Grow Grapes Indoors – Everything You Want To Know

Posted on Jun 19 , 2020


Growing grapes indoors is nothing new. If you choose the right variety, the grapes can be grown in the greenhouse, or even in a warm, sunny room. Here are some common FAQ, and how to grow grapes indoors.

Are grapes easy to grow?

Yes, they’re easy to grow.

Grape fruits form on 1 year old growth only; pruning heavily in late winter encourages abundant vigorous, fruit-bearing vines.

How do you grow grapes at home?

Use pots or containers to grow grapes indoors, or grow grapes indoors by hydroponics.

Can you grow grapes in pots?

You can grow grapes in large pots or containers indoors. The grapes will spread and grow, so you may only want to plant one.

How long does it take to grow a grape vine?

If you grow grapes from seeds, it may take up to 3 years to produce any grapes.

If you decide to grow grapes from seeds, the grapes produced will be completely different from the grape varieties obtained from the seeds. This is because grapes cannot fully replicate the vines or varieties from which they originated.

How Often Should grapes be watered?

Water every day and use fertilizer during the growing season.

Where is the best place to plant grape vines?

If you place grapes in front of a south-facing window, it is entirely possible to grow grapes indoors.

To grow grapes indoors, use pots or containers that are at least 24 inches wide and 16 inches deep. Make sure it gets at least 7 hours of sun exposure, and the south-facing windows are ideal. Water every day and use fertilizer during the growing season. Pruning every year to encourage new growth.

Which varieties of grapes is best for indoor cultivation?

There are many grape varieties that can be successfully grown indoors. Dessert varieties like Alexander’s Muscat and Black Burger are also good indoors.

Some experts suggest planting various types of pots indoors. Such pots can be placed near the trunk, such as Early Muscat, Seyval, Canadice, Interlaken or Swenson Red.

Buckland Sweetwater, Black Hamburgh, Rembrandt, Gros Maroc, Fosters seedlings, Chasselas Rose, Royal Muscadine are all good choices for growing grapes indoors.

How to germinate grape seeds

The best time to prepare seeds indoors is early December.

Only choose seeds that are healthy and in good condition. By squeezing the seeds for inspection, healthy grape seeds can be touched.

Put the seeds in water, the healthy seeds will sink, and then discard any floating seeds. Wash healthy seeds with water to remove the pulp from the grapes, then soak them in distilled water for up to 24 hours.

Next, fill a sealed bag with enough wet paper towels or moss to cover your seeds, then place the seeds in the bag.

Now, put this bag in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 35F-40F for 2 to 3 months, which can simulate outdoor winter conditions.

When planting seeds in the soil in early spring, you want to keep them at least 70F during the day and 60F at night. You can use a warming pad to control this situation.

When the soil looks dry, atomize with water, and after 2 to 8 weeks, you should see the first sprout appear.

Which container or pot should I use to grow grapes?

When the grapes grow outside, the roots can spread 8 to 10 feet, so you should choose the largest container possible. The width of your container should be at least 24 inches and the depth should be at least 16 inches.

It is best to use heavy-duty containers made of pottery, clay or wood instead of plastic, because plastic may break after a few seasons, and the cared grapes can grow for many years.

You will need to place a vine support such as a rattan or lattice in the pot, because as the grape grows, it needs to be attached to the vine to provide support.

What kind of soil should I use to grow grapes?

Do not use standard garden soil to grow grapes in containers.

Put some stones at the bottom of your container for drainage.

Choose a light, potted mixture that is rich in organic matter and well drained. The best soil type for growing grapes in a container is moist silt loam.

How much light does the grape vine need?

The vines like sunlight, so the more the better.

As long as your vine receives at least 7 hours of sunlight a day, it will become healthy.

The more sunlight your plant gets, the more grapes it should produce, so I used a 12-hour timer LED grow light.

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How Far Should LED Grow Light Hang On Plants
How to Grow Plants Indoors with LED Grow Lights
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How often should I water the grape vine?

During the growing season, you should water the vines every day.

Give them good water to wet the soil 6 to 10 inches below the surface.

Water in the morning, so there is a chance to dry out during the day. You want the soil to almost dry out between waterings to avoid root rot.

After the vines are overgrown with grapes, you may need to reduce watering slightly to encourage fruit ripening.

What is the best temperature for growing vines?

The best climate for growing grapes is mild, dry air, because excessively humid air can cause mold problems in your vines (avoid placing grapes next to the heater as this may dry them).

Grapes require good air circulation, so please open windows or blow fans regularly.

In the growing season between early spring and autumn, the ideal temperature for grape growth is 61 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

In winter, they need to be at sleep temperature, so they need to be kept cool, but not below 5F for a period of time.

How often do you fertilize the vines and what is the best fertilizer?

During the growing season, using fertilizers on your vine is definitely beneficial.

You want to fertilize in the early spring before the start of the growth period, and use nitrogen-rich fertilizers to encourage the vines to start growing.

When spring begins to grow, you want to use high-potassium feed, such as tomato plant feed every three weeks.

When the vines are full of leaves, feeding should be increased once a week.

Once the grapes begin to ripen, you should stop using fertilizers, as this may contaminate the taste of the grapes.

How to prune indoor vines

During the growing season, the vines should be trimmed twice.

First, trim small bunches of actual grapes and cut off some grapes, because fewer grapes equals better tasting and larger grapes.

Do it a second time and cut the grapes into bunches as they grow larger, making them look like bunches in the store.

Remove the tendrils, grow them, and wrap them around the main stem, because they consume energy to grow, so you want all the energy to go into the fruit. The following video demonstrates how to prun the vine.

How to pollinate the vine?

Most grapes are self-pollinated, but if you want to help pollinate, use a small soft brush to wrap the flowers around the flowers and brush among all the flowers to help pollination.

When to start picking grapes


The easiest way to test whether your grapes are ready for harvest is to taste the grapes, although you may need to know the taste of the grapes selected.

When ready to pick, the seeds in the grapes will change from white to tan and finally to brown.

In addition, feel your grapes. If you feel the grapes are full and the juice is sufficient, you can use it.

If your grapes start to wither, you are already too late.

How to store freshly picked grapes

To store your grapes, you want to put them in a sealed bag or container without washing them.

If you wash them, the moisture will make your grapes ripen quickly and shorten their healthy lifespan.

Place the sealed bag or container on the back of the refrigerator as this is the coolest place.

If you do this, your grapes will be edible for 2 to 3 weeks.

What to do if your vines stop producing grapes

If your vine stops producing fruit, the first thing you need to check is that the vine gets enough sunlight.

You may want to buy LED grow lights to provide more needed light.

Make sure you do not over-fertilize the grapes, because when the grapes grow too fast, the yield of the grapes will decrease.

Enjoy growing grapes indoors.

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