These states will legalize marijuana by 2024
Jun 07 , 2024

These states will legalize marijuana by 2024

Explore the new trends in US marijuana legalization in 2024! From Alaska to Wyoming, states are relaxing regulations on marijuana cultivation and use
Why the Netherlands allows home cultivation of marijuana
May 16 , 2024

Why the Netherlands allows home cultivation of marijuana

As early as 1976, the Netherlands passed the landmark Opium Act, which distinguished "soft drugs" from "hard drugs", and marijuana was classified into the more relaxed category of soft drugs. This policy gave marijuana a special status.
Countries that have legalized marijuana
Apr 24 , 2024

Countries that have legalized marijuana

As the discussion on the legalization of marijuana heats up around the world, from medical to recreational use, the legalization of marijuana seems to have become an irreversible trend.
What does 420 mean in cannabis culture?
Apr 16 , 2024

What does 420 mean in cannabis culture?

What exactly does "420" signify in cannabis culture? Far from just a number, "420" represents a global celebration among cannabis enthusiasts every April 20th. Originating from a treasure hunt by a group of California high school students in the 1970s, this term has evolved into a symbol of marijuana celebration and advocacy. Learn how "420" grew from an inside joke to a significant cultural and social phenomenon, influencing music, movies, and even public debates on marijuana legalization.
The Legalization of Medical Cannabis in US states: Check If Your State is on the List
Mar 07 , 2024

The Legalization of Medical Cannabis in US states: Check If Your State is on the List

As time goes by, cannabis is no longer just a controversial topic, it has gradually become a part of the daily life of many Americans. Especially in the medical field, cannabis is starting to shine. Now, more than half of U.S. states have given the green light to use cannabis to treat medical conditions. Let’s take a look at where in the United States medical cannabis is legal.
Breaking news: German Bundestag passes bill to legalize marijuana
Mar 04 , 2024

Breaking news: German Bundestag passes bill to legalize marijuana

​Globally, cannabis policy is in the midst of turmoil and change. Germany, as Europe's largest economy, recently passed a historic bill. On February 23, 2024, the German Bundestag passed the cannabis legalization bill with 407 votes in favor, 226 votes against, and 4 abstentions. , opening a new chapter in national cannabis policy.
Cannabis' world map: How did it become a hot topic everywhere?
Mar 02 , 2024

Cannabis' world map: How did it become a hot topic everywhere?

When we talk about cannabis, many people may immediately think of its use as a recreational drug, or that it has been a hot topic in the medical community in recent years. However, the story of cannabis is far more complicated than that. It is a veteran of nature, taking root and growing on the earth long before the emergence of human civilization. The cannabis plant isn't just a focus of today's debate, it's a historic part of culture and industry. From ancient ropes to modern medical uses, can
Comparison of Global Cannabis Legalization Policies
Feb 23 , 2024

Comparison of Global Cannabis Legalization Policies

In recent years, the legalization of cannabis has become a hot topic worldwide. With increasing recognition of its medical value and a shift in societal attitudes, more and more countries are reevaluating and adjusting their cannabis policies. However, there are significant differences in the process and approach to cannabis legalization across different countries and regions. Today, let's take a look at some of the differences in cannabis policies around the world.
These spectrum have unexpectedly effect in plants!
Feb 22 , 2024

These spectrum have unexpectedly effect in plants!

Light is a very important thing for plants, which not only rely on light for photosynthesis, but also have their own unique effects on the growth and development of plants at different wavelengths. Red, blue, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), and far-red (FR) are some of the most critical spectral types. They play an integral role in promoting plant growth, flowering, fruit ripening, and pest and disease defense. Today, we're going to take a closer look at the effects of these different spectrums
Do you know what the common varieties of cannabis are?
Jan 31 , 2024

Do you know what the common varieties of cannabis are?

Cannabis (cannabis sativa) is a plant with a long history and versatile uses, playing diverse roles in different cultures and regions. Whether for medical, recreational or industrial use, various strains of cannabis exhibit unique properties. But these varieties differ significantly in growth habits, appearance and potential utility. Today let’s take a look at what varieties of cannabis there are~
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