Indoor growing vs greenhouse growing: Which one is better for you?
Jan 19 , 2024

Indoor growing vs greenhouse growing: Which one is better for you?

​In this era of efficiency and sustainability, every agricultural practitioner faces a crucial choice: whether to invest in advanced indoor cultivation systems or opt for the lower-cost, more traditional greenhouse cultivation methods. It is not just an economic question but also a strategic decision. On one hand, the rapid development of indoor cultivation technology allows people to grow various crops anywhere and at any time, breaking the constraints of natural conditions and ensuring crop gr
Why choose LED grow lights for greenhouse supplemental lighting?
Jul 06 , 2023

Why choose LED grow lights for greenhouse supplemental lighting?

VANQ Greenhouse Grow Lights include LED solutions for top lighting and in-room lighting applications. Combined with our specialized light formulations for different crops, greenhouse growers can increase the quality and yield of their year-round production.
Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Growing Equipment: A Must-Read Before You Buy!
Dec 06 , 2022

Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Growing Equipment: A Must-Read Before You Buy!

Grow lights can provide plants with the light they lack during growth in the absence of sunlight. Using greenhouse plant growth lights can not only help plants perform better photosynthesis, but also prevent plants from being affected by natural bad weather, pests and diseases, and low temperature.
How does plant use green light?
Sep 16 , 2021

How does plant use green light?

It is often said that “the leaves look green because the leaves do not absorb green light” and “the leaves do not absorb green light and are not used for photosynthesis”. However, the leaves absorb a lot of green light, and the absorbed green light is efficiently used for photosynthesis.
Grow Lights for Home Plant Growing
Dec 29 , 2020

Grow Lights for Home Plant Growing

Growing home plants, seedlings for summer cottages is not so much for saving as for the soul. I want the plants to be strong, healthy, to please with foliage and flowers, fruits. In our climate, this is not always possible without additional efforts. The main problem is the short daylight hours.
Which kind of lighting should be chosen for the greenhouse in winter
Nov 23 , 2020

Which kind of lighting should be chosen for the greenhouse in winter

Most greenhouse crops are grown in temperate regions and lack natural sunlight from late autumn to early spring. There is a direct relationship between the amount of lighting and crop yields. Insufficient light will slow down plant growth, cause brittle stems and reduce yield. Therefore, the use of artificial light sources is very common.
Greenhouse Planting: Which Plant Light is Suitable?
Nov 04 , 2020

Greenhouse Planting: Which Plant Light is Suitable?

In greenhouses, apartments and dark seasons, plants usually do not get enough light. Artificial lighting can help, but it can be the right light source.
How to properly place, sow, and sow seedlings and choose the lights in the greenhouse?
Aug 26 , 2020

How to properly place, sow, and sow seedlings and choose the lights in the greenhouse?

Everyone who owns a greenhouse is trying to use 100% of it. However, in order to get the most benefit from it, it is important not to violate the dormitory rules adopted by the plant kingdom and follow the simple rules of placing seedlings in the greenhouse.
VANQ an innovative LED greenhouse lighting manufacturer
Jul 27 , 2020

VANQ an innovative LED greenhouse lighting manufacturer

Since 2010, VANQ is directing its entrepreneurial spirit and endeavor to find innovative horticulture lighting solutions. The dedicated diligence enabled us to develop a capacity to offer flexible customization to meet the varying indoor farmers’ needs.
Impact of greenhouse LED lighting on plant growth and cultivation issues
Jul 01 , 2020

Impact of greenhouse LED lighting on plant growth and cultivation issues

Light provides energy, so plants can use photosynthesis to convert water and nutrients in the soil and carbon dioxide in the air into starch and sugar. What if there is no light? Is there any solution?
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