How to make your hemp seeds germinate quickly

Posted on Jul 07 , 2020

The germination of cannabis is the process of seed germination. You know that a small bunch of white twists will appear in the seed and germinate.

During the germination process, the small white tendrils from the hemp seeds are the first root of the plant, called "papaya root". All other roots produced during the lifetime of the cannabis plant will grow from the main root.


The main root-even some of the smaller early branches of the main root-will become longer and longer, pushing the seeds up, and after the shell pierces the surface of the growth medium, the first leaf (these first-round leaves are called " "Cotyledons" will come out of hemp.


Cotyledons have been created in the seed itself as part of the plant embryo, so the cannabis plant does not have to grow. In fact, this is the first leaf that destroys the shell after the shell is cut off by the main root.


The next set of leaves after the cotyledons are the first "real" leaves of the plant and have jagged edges. At least, these are the first leaves that your cannabis plant grows on its own, which is different from the cotyledons already formed in the seeds.

Hemp seeds can be expensive, so don't waste seeds with bad germination methods!

When talking to cannabis growers, I often hear phrases such as "I start growing from cuttings and it takes too long to start from seeds." This is not entirely correct. For growers with growth chambers for growth (light period 18h light/6h dark), the time loss can be zero.

Once the harvest is coming, how to prepare seeds for the next crop?

If you take into account the fact that you have to grow to bloom, and you want to transition to adulthood about 30 days after adulthood, it will be much easier than this: it is enough to start the seeds of the plant to germinate. When the plants in the flowering cabinet are about 30 days away from harvest, they are about to be harvested. But before going into details, let's take a look at the germination:

Germination is when our favorite plant is alive. The seeds contain potential embryos and wait until the conditions are met before they can "grow" the seedlings. In nature, this process occurs in spring, when the climate is relatively mild.

What do I need to germinate cannabis seeds?

Hemp seeds require the following substances to get the best germination rate:

Maintain humidity, but do not soak (you can soak hard seeds for 24 to 32 hours, but do not soak the seeds in the water longer than this time).

While waiting for the main root to appear, let the seed standstill.

Heating-Keep warm to achieve the best germination rate, but not too hot! Think about spring. Seeds can of course germinate at lower temperatures, but at lower temperatures, germination time will be longer.

Mild-Be careful when checking seeds and treat them gently when you need to move. If possible, avoid touching their white roots; the main roots are very fragile and fall off easily!

Root down: When sowing germinated seeds, point the white roots to the growth medium to prevent the seedlings from redirecting.

Not too deep-when sowing germinated seeds, it is not necessary to place them too deep in the growth medium, about half an inch to an inch (1.3 cm to 2.5 cm) from the surface of the seeds is sufficient.

In terms of nutrition, in the first stage of development (the emergence of radicles and cotyledons), the seedlings feed on the reserves contained in the seeds. These reserves-a kinds of high-energy starch-are analyzed by gibberellin in the embryo. This energy contributes to the emergence of radicles and cotyledons (the first two round leaves).

Germination method.

These two methods are equally effective. It is up to you to decide on the solution that most appeals to you or seems most useful to you.

Paper trays and napkins. Put the wet paper towel on the plate, then put the seeds on it. To maintain humidity, please turn over the second board to cover all items. After the radicle is pierced, place the seeds underground (bury them at shallow depth), being careful not to damage the roots. To get the best temperature, it is recommended to install the board on a lower temperature surface, for example, set the heat sink to the lowest temperature.


Jiffy (different sizes possible). Compressed peat cubes are an excellent choice for germination. Wet the jam with high-quality water, then bury the hemp seeds in a shallow layer. Place ginger biscuits in a greenhouse with a relative humidity of about 90%. When the seedlings appear, gradually reduce the humidity by turning on the greenhouse aerator. The advantage of this method is that it can be put into the pot immediately without touching the root.


Germinating cannabis seeds can sometimes be laborious, but its advantage is that you don’t have to accompany female parents all year round. In addition, the seeds received

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