The Benefits of LED Plant Lighting

Posted on Oct 15 , 2020

The goal of all gardeners is to achieve optimal growth and development. This may involve planting tomatoes and herbs during the short day and mid-winter, encouraging orchids to bloom in time for orchid display, or just planting herbs and green salads for the kitchen.

Most amateur gardeners and hobbyists hope to achieve these goals without having to purchase and install expensive accessories or deal with high operating costs. The good news is that the latest technological advancements mean that the latest LED factory lighting provides a very cost-effective energy solution. Compared with other lighting technologies, these are some key advantages.

Useful in all stages of plant development

For example, unlike fluorescent lamps that are commonly used for plant germination and early development, LED plant lights can be used throughout the life cycle of plants from germination to flowering or fruit ripening. LED plant lights can work normally in ground environment or hydroponic environment.

Emits light to maximize chlorophyll absorption

When buying a plant light, lumens is not the best way to measure luminous efficiency, but PAR watts. PAR stands for photosynthetically active radiation and provides a measure of useful luminous flux.

Lumen measures the brightness of visible light. Therefore, it can be used to illuminate the room, but not suitable for plant growth. Research shows that plants feel best in the red and blue parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (these colors provide the greatest chlorophyll absorption), and LED plant lights can be customized to meet these exact wavelengths. It is also possible to mix red and blue wavelengths to meet the needs of different plant species and growth environments.

Longer service life

Ordinary LED plant lights will last 50,000 to 100,000 hours. It far exceeds standard HID lamps, such as metal halide, mercury or high-pressure sodium lamps.

Low thermal radiation

They have three advantages. LED plant lighting equipment can be placed very close to growing plants without the risk of dehydration or burns; secondly, most systems do not require expensive air conditioning systems or exhaust pipes, and secondly, there is less need for watering.

Environmentally friendly

LED plant lighting does not contain mercury or other harmful substances found in lighting systems. Compared with HID lamps, their energy efficiency is also about 75% higher.

Plug and play

Most HID plant lights require high-voltage ballasts during installation. These convert ordinary household electricity into a form that can be used by lights. LED plant lighting does not require such a system.

LED, fluorescent lamp and HID lamp for factory lighting

As a gardener, it is important to understand the difference between LED (light-emitting diode) plant lighting, fluorescent plant lighting and HID (high intensity discharge) plant lighting. Although they can be used alone or in combination, your choice of plant lighting depends largely on your budget, the plants you plant and where you plan to grow them.

LED plant lighting


Compared with other plant lights, the biggest advantages of LED plant lights are high energy efficiency, low operating costs, long service life and low heat generation. In addition, the LED can emit light of a desired color without using color filters. For indoor cultivation, you can choose LED lights that provide light corresponding to the four absorption peaks of chlorophyll. Usually, this involves a set of four different types of LED chips to achieve these four peaks.

Fluorescent lamp


Not to be confused with light bulbs (the light bulbs used in most households), fluorescent lamps produce twice or three times the light and have a longer lifespan. The chromatographic spectrum is determined by the coating inside the lamp. In indoor gardening, most growers choose full-spectrum fluorescent lights that mimic natural light, or choose a combination of cool white lights (for blue light) and warm white lights (for orange and red light). An actuator may be required.

HID plant lighting


Metal halide lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, and mercury lamps are all HID lamps. The lumens per watt of these lamps are approximately twice that of fluorescent lamps. But the initial cost is significantly higher than other plant lights. They tend to emit a lot of heat, so this needs to be considered when placing them. Air conditioning and ballast may be required. The blue-white light emitted by HID plant lights is well absorbed by plants and used for photosynthesis. High pressure sodium lamps have a yellowish orange color and are used to promote the flowering of certain plants.

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